
Mujeres del ArteEncouraging collaboration between Women in Art and the social impact of the project through a focus on cultural management

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Encouraging collaboration between Women in Art and the social impact of the project through a focus on cultural management

Encouraging collaboration between Women in Art and the social impact of the project through a focus on cultural management

3 of August, 2023

It never hurts to reinforce the idea that art is a powerful means to express our ideas and emotions. A channeling and transformative vehicle.

In this context, this is what ‘Women in Art’ aims to achieve: for art to serve as a medium that can convey the feelings and life experiences of 34 female artists who are working in a social and cultural context where gender gaps are evident, to start a collective path of questioning various aspects, from the everyday to the most deeply ingrained structures

For this reason, from Hey Hunters we decided to take on the social responsibility of paving the way for change from within, and we created ‘Women in Art: Art Deck.’ This project arises as a brave and necessary initiative, creating an exclusive space for the active creation and participation of female artists, with the intention of creating an environment where women feel free and safe to express their artistic vision on various topics that awaken our awareness, such as self-awareness, vulnerability, gender stereotypes, mental health, racism, gender identity, self-love, artistic expression, sisterhood, emotional connection, self-acceptance, gender expression, and other gender-based subtopics that are based on the experiences of each artist.

All this concept and collaborative creative process is materialized in a tool we decided to call: Art Deck, a compilation of illustrated cards that can be used as an instrument for raising awareness and education in: art workshops, therapy and self-help spaces, women’s circles, discussion circles, integration meetings, introspective spaces, and artistic experimentation.

De esta manera, el proyecto se convierte así en un poderoso manifiesto visual que desafía las estructuras y normas sociales, que te permite explorar y conectar con tus propias emociones, reflexionar sobre las problemáticas de género y diversos temas de desarrollo personal a través del arte, y dar espacio al diálogo interno de forma más consciente. Siendo el Art Deck la herramienta que nos lleve a la contemplación y observación activa de nosotras mismas, creando un efecto dominó para generar espacios más inclusivos.

In it, each work hides a revolutionary message that prompts us to rethink gender roles. It serves as a platform to tell stories of success, pain, resistance, and overcoming, enclosing a powerful narrative that reflects vulnerability and bravery, struggle and achievement, the duality of the human being through the art of 34 talented visual artists.

In this sense, our commitment as Hey Hunters goes even further. While ‘Mujeres del Arte‘ is about a community united in the mission of reducing gender gaps in art, providing artistic tools and support to more female artists, this project also aims to highlight the abilities of all women—both inside and outside the art world—empowering them to explore their individuality through questions born from the experience and creative process of other women. Workshops and/or circles where the Art Deck serves as the foundational element for creating spaces of dialogue and expression: Female artists inspiring other women in safe spaces.

When we realized how powerful a tool we had created, we decided to set up a collective exhibition to make visible all this effort and inner process, serving also as a reference for others. Beyond art, in the simplicity of what it means to be a sentient, thinking individual.

We thus held the first exhibition of ‘Mujeres del Arte: Art Deck,’ which took place from June 23 to July 16 last year at the Cholo Terco Cultural Center (Barranco), where we installed all the dimensioned cards in two rooms, aiming to provide an immersive 360° visual experience.


We were able to connect in person with several of the co-creator artists.

During these three weeks, we held two Meet Ups where we had the participation of 18 women from the art world. This helped to strengthen the bond between the artists themselves who are part of the community that has been generated, and between them and the public who visited the Expo. We witnessed how each visitor could connect with the art and empathize with each story.

So, to continue reinforcing the strong impact that comes from using art as a channeling and transforming instrument for our emotions, we will take the Art Deck on tour to 3 women’s institutions where we will hold creative workshops/circles with some artists from the ‘Mujeres del Arte’ community who will accompany us to provide their expertise in the technical-artistic aspect. These safe spaces, open to reflection, introspection, dialogue, and sharing of visions, will be of great importance for the continuous development and expansion of other women’s creativity. In this first stage of the project, we want to focus on the workshop specifically aimed at women, and in a second stage, we will be able to hold these workshops in mixed spaces and with a broader age range.

On the other hand, it’s important to highlight that the collaboration of organizations and institutions is essential for spreading and supporting projects like ‘Mujeres del Arte: Art Deck.’ These entities can become strategic allies to amplify the voices of emerging artists, offer resources and opportunities for promoting and spreading art in general, and art from a gender-focused perspective. This is a significant step to achieve real and tangible inclusion in the artistic industry, and ultimately break into women’s spaces, introducing art as a tool for transformation.

Creating strategic cultural management alliances with art schools will encourage student participation in artistic and cultural spaces, increase their creativity and visual references for creating in other areas, promote the exchange of knowledge, and strengthen skills and artistic support networks. Like the Mujeres del Arte community, it’s a window for female artists to communicate freely and powerfully, sustaining through companionship, resistance, and sisterhood.

In conclusion, ‘Mujeres del Arte: Art Deck‘ is a tangible example of the transformative power of art and the importance of gender equality in our society. It’s an invitation to reflect, question, and act to build a truly inclusive artistic future, where the voices and perspectives of women are celebrated and supported equally. The legacy of this project goes beyond the walls of the exhibition, leaving a significant mark and an inspiration to continue the fight for equity in the world of art

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